Maximum Array Size Passed by POST


Viewed 634 times


I’m doing a function JavaScript to read a file the user is uploading and sending to the PHP via POST only content for insertion in the database.

I’m trying to send a array with the contents of the file, each position is a line, the problem is that some files may be very large (600 thousand lines) and the largest array that I can see POST is 100,000 lines. I already changed in the php.ini post_max_size, max_input_vars, memory_limit but I still can’t.

Does anyone know how to pass this array with 600,000 positions per POST without having to break it into pieces?

  • 1

    Possible relationship:

  • Looking forward to good answers, I found a great question rs +1

  • I don’t understand javascript, you mean "ajax"?

  • 1

    @Marcelobonifazio Yes I know what Ajax is. The question speaks nothing of Javascript directly, no way to know if it is multiple inputs generated or if the transmission is done by XMLHttpRequest.

1 answer


Your description indicates that you may be facing a restriction of the PHP Suhosin patch.

There are two other directives that should be added/changed if this module is active: and suhosin.request.max_vars, in addition to those already reported in the question.

Try changing these directives in php.ini.

Sources: this question in the English OS and PHP 5.3 max_input_vars and big Forms

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