Error with complementary routes in Laravel 4


Viewed 572 times


Initially, I created the following route (1st search):

Route::get('/buscar/profissoes/{city_id_slug?}', array('as' => '', 
    'uses' => 'NeighborhoodsController@getIndexCity'));

So the URL looks like this at the end:

After, I created the segund arota (2nd search - continuation)

{profession_id_slug}', array('as' => '', 'uses' => 'ProfessionalsController@getSearch'));

Then the URL should look like this:

But since the above URL is generated dynamically, initially it does not have the last 2 parameters. They will be added by clicking on Submit. Anyway, I added the parameters, just as a test and it didn’t work:

URL::route('', array($city_id_slug, $city_id_slug, $city_id_slug))

Then Laravel returns the following:

Symfony \ Component \ Routing \ Exception \ RouteNotFoundException

Unable to generate a URL for the named route "" as such route does not exist.

What’s the right way to do this? And what is wrong in my routes, aiming that are different, and that even forcing the last 2 parameters with the number 1, did not work?

  • On the second route, the neighborhood_id_slug parameter could not, or should not, be optional({neighborhood_id_slug?}).

  • Yeah, I’ve done that too. But as I was doing a test "forcing" the parameters with the value 1, I made it mandatory to see if the same problem would happen.

3 answers


You can submit via POST all for the "fetch":


And redirect to a route GET with the URL handled.

I believe it is a smooth solution to be implemented. And it generates more control than you are doing.

  • I think it’s the best thing.

  • You will have more control over the route assembly in this way, passing the parameters according to your need.



Via Laravel it will not be possible to generate the second route correctly without the parameters.

I’ve had to do something like this before, and what I did was generate the first part (your route 1), and added manually via javascript (I no longer have access to the project, so I have no way to post the code to solve the problem).

Tip: The 2nd route must come first, because if it finds the "pattern" for first it will stop there.

  • The first route i Gero with javascript even. But as for the second, I could not find an alternative, I tried until this: URL::route('', array($city_id_slug, 1, 1)) but it didn’t work.

  • In this pattern you will not be able to generate dynamically via Laravel, it must be via javascript itself, use the Laravel only for "root_url()".


Interpret each route as distinct, then you can create 3 routes: one that meets requests with 1 parameter, one with two and one with three...

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