@Html.Pagedlistpager No Bootstrap


Viewed 29 times


I am building a small project in Asp.net MVC and I need to make use of the X.Pagedlist library, I was able to make the pagination all right, but it is not applying the Bootstrap, which should be standard.

Calling the pagination in the View:

<div class="justify-content-center">
   @Html.PagedListPager(Model, pages => Url.Action("Index", new { pages}))                                


// GET: Produto
public ActionResult Index(int? pages)
    int pagNumber = (pages ?? 1);
    var produtos = TodosProdutos.ToPagedList(pages, 9);
    return View(produtos);

References from the View:

@using X.PagedList.Mvc;
@model X.PagedList.PagedList<Zeus.Models.Product>

Folder Content:
inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Pagination is as follows when executing:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Does anyone know what the problem might be?

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