Doubt in research


Viewed 137 times


Windows Forms

I have a Grid, but when I type something into the field textbox, the search is not done and nothing is displayed on Grid.

Follow the code made in 4 layers:


    private void txtPesquisa_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        UsuarioDTO usuDto = new UsuarioDTO();
        usuDto.Nome = txtPesquisa.Text;
        dgvListaUsuario.DataSource = UsuarioModel.PesquisaUsuario(usuDto);


Class: Model

       public static IList<UsuarioDTO> PesquisaUsuario (UsuarioDTO usuDto)

        return new UsuarioDAO().PesquisaUsuario(usuDto);
        catch (Exception ex)

            throw ex;


Class: DAO

public IList<UsuarioDTO> PesquisaUsuario(UsuarioDTO usuDto)// esperando um retorno do UsuarioDTO que é o listaUsuarioDTO
        // fazer o try catch para o tratamento de erro

            SqlConnection CON = new SqlConnection();// conexão com o Banco de Dados SQL 
            CON.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.CSEmpilhadeiras; // criar uma String de conexão
            SqlCommand CM = new SqlCommand();//
            CM.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

            CM.CommandText = "SELECT tbUsuario WHERE nome_usu LIKE %@nomeUsu%";
            CM.Parameters.Add("nomeUsu", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = usuDto.Nome;

            CM.Connection = CON;

            SqlDataReader ER;// colocar um dataread trazer o conteudo

            // listaUsuarioDTO este é o objeto que vou carregar e retornar
            IList<UsuarioDTO> listaUsuarioDTO = new List<UsuarioDTO>();

            CON.Open();// abrir a conexão
            ER = CM.ExecuteReader();// executa o comando
            if (ER.HasRows) // se tem alguma linha. teve algum retorno ?
                while (ER.Read())// ler linha a linha 
                    // criar um usuarioDTO
                    UsuarioDTO usuario = new UsuarioDTO();
                    usuario.Codigo = Convert.ToInt32(ER["cod_usu"]);
                    usuario.Nome = Convert.ToString(ER["nome_usu"]);
                    usuario.Login = Convert.ToString(ER["login_usu"]);
                    usuario.Senha = Convert.ToString(ER["senha_usu"]);
                    usuario.Email = Convert.ToString(ER["email_usu"]);
                    usuario.Status = Convert.ToChar(ER["status_usu"]);
                    usuario.DtCadastro = Convert.ToDateTime(ER["dtCadastro_usu"]);
                    usuario.Nivel = Convert.ToChar(ER["nivel_usu"]);

                  //  listaUsuarioDTO.Add(usuario);

            return listaUsuarioDTO;

        catch (Exception ex)
            // se cair o Banco, se estiver fora 
            throw ex; // devolve o erro para quem Chamou que é o formulario


Class: User Name

public class UsuarioDTO
    private int codigo;
    private String nome;
    private String login;
    private String senha;
    private String email;
    private Char status;
    private DateTime dtCadastro;
    private Char nivel;

    #region   Getters e Setters

    public int Codigo
        get { return codigo; }
        set { codigo = value; }
    public String Nome
        get { return nome; }
        set { nome = value; }

    public String Login
        get { return login; }
        set { login = value; }

    public String Senha
        get { return senha; }
        set { senha = value; }

    public String Email
        get { return email; }
        set { email = value; }

    public Char Status
        get { return status; }
        set { status = value; }

    public DateTime DtCadastro
        get { return dtCadastro; }
        set { dtCadastro = value; }

    public Char Nivel
        get { return nivel; }
        set { nivel = value; }

I’m not getting to identify the mistake!


An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Data.Sqlclient.Sqlexception' occurred in Htsisforklifts.Model.dll

Additional information: Invalid column name 'usuName'.

Invalid column name 'tbUsuario'.

  • The select is wrong, I already corrected in my reply, I took advantage and arranged other details.

3 answers



The problem is that you didn’t run the query in the BD, one possibility would be (notice it’s just an example, I don’t know the name of the field in the table):

public IList<UsuarioDTO> PesquisaUsuario(UsuarioDTO usuDto)
    using(SqlConnection CON = new SqlConnection())
        CON.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.CSEmpilhadeiras;
        SqlCommand CM = new SqlCommand();
        CM.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

        CM.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbUsuario WHERE nome_usu LIKE @nomeUsu";
        CM.Parameters.Add("nomeUsu", System.Data.SqlDbType.Varchar).Value = "%" + usuDto.Nome + "%";
        CM.Connection = CON;

        var dr = CM.ExecuteReader();

        var usuarios = new List<UsuarioDTO>();

                UsuarioDTO usuario = new UsuarioDTO();
                usuario.Codigo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["cod_usu"]);
                usuario.Nome = Convert.ToString(dr["nome_usu"]);
                usuario.Login = Convert.ToString(dr["login_usu"]);
                usuario.Senha = Convert.ToString(dr["senha_usu"]);
                usuario.Email = Convert.ToString(dr["email_usu"]);
                usuario.Status = Convert.ToChar(dr["status_usu"]);
                usuario.DtCadastro = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["dtCadastro_usu"]);
                usuario.Nivel = Convert.ToChar(dr["nivel_usu"]);


        return usuarios;

It’s just a snippet, you may want to handle multiple results, errors, etc.

On receipt of the datasource:

private void txtPesquisa_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    UsuarioDTO usuDto = new UsuarioDTO();
    usuDto.Nome = txtPesquisa.Text;
    var source = new BindingSource();
    source.DataSource = UsuarioModel.PesquisaUsuario(usuDto);
    dgvListaUsuario.DataSource = source;

Change the method signature:

public static IList<UsuarioDTO> PesquisaUsuario(UsuarioDTO usuDto)
  • almost more now this with error

  • An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Data.Sqlclient.Sqlexception' occurred in Htsisforklifts.Model.dll Additional information: Invalid column name 'usuName'. Invalid column name 'tbUsuario'.

  • I put the updated code on top

  • I fixed some mistakes.

  • Thank you so much I am doing this project for College sometimes I think about stop more the desire to do is so much that I overcome the will, thank you so much I hope to count on your help always, thank you very much


@Denilsoncarlos, the problem is in your query, but specifically in the condition LIKE.

You must concatenate the % with the variable, as in the example below.

DECLARE @tabela as table(
    guid uniqueidentifier primary key, 
    nome varchar(50)

INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('7290713f-c2d3-4bc3-89b2-e58685e594bb', 'Sarah Garcia');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('b3d0d2cf-089b-4684-8892-fc947375614a', 'Mark Thatcher');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('1145f4d6-8c47-4124-a48c-10a0610bbf39', 'Arthur Lake');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('d87cd5d1-2a9d-49de-8e37-0ff857e0e068', 'Kenneth Major');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('a8cdc2f8-2b90-459c-9eff-63ba410d1830', 'Sarah Robinson');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('2362e37c-6e4f-42e7-b265-9939c1d011e3', 'Adam Davies');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('cb350a4c-7701-4934-b37b-d6fb518db7d5', 'Kimberly Taylor');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('eb17d0ce-40fb-4d03-9d8f-c6580200fa05', 'Margaret Stevens');
INSERT INTO @tabela VALUES ('e3e1c825-1366-4759-804e-bd1b355936e1', 'Ursula Washington');

DECLARE @nome as varchar(50);
SET @nome = 'ar'

SELECT * FROM @tabela WHERE nome LIKE '%' + @nome + '%'


I believe that there are two situations that are causing this behavior:

CM.Parameters.Add("nameUsu", System.Data.Sqldbtype.Varchar). Value = usuDto.Name;

the correct would be:

CM.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nomeUsu", "%" + usuDto.Nome + "%");

and the other thing is that rescued users are not being added to the return list in the DAO class:

// listUsuarioDTO.Add(user);

you must uncomment this line.

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