Good night,
I am trying a problem with the alignment of 2 columns, what happens is that the second column has a button and I would like to leave it aligned to the right (as in the second image) remaining with the contents of the first column aligned to the left (as in the first image).
I’ve tried using the Column(element_justification='right')
but it didn’t work, however if I use the Column(justification='right')
everything goes to the right, including the previous column. I tried other things but nothing worked.
Using the Column(justification='right')
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from webbrowser import open
gitLink = 'https://github.com/DiegoAL'
# Elementos da janela
cbox_layout = [[sg.Checkbox('Iniciar o Profitchart após limpeza', True, enable_events=True, key='start')],
[sg.Checkbox('Fechar após limpeza', enable_events=True, key='close')],
[sg.Checkbox('Escolher um executável especifico', enable_events=True, key='newPath')]]
btn_layout = [[sg.Button('Limpar!', size=(10, 4), enable_events=True, key='clear')]]
layout = [[sg.Column(cbox_layout),
[sg.In(), sg.FileBrowse()],
[sg.Text('Idealizado por: Diego Alves'),
sg.Text('Link do Projeto', size=(24, 0),
justification='right', enable_events=True, key='link',
text_color='blue', font='underline')]] #[FIX] font não esta funcionando
# Criacao e demais configuracoes da janela
window = sg.Window('Profitchart Cleaner', layout)
# Leitura dos dados e eventos
while True:
event, values = window.read()
# Fechar aplicacao
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
# Acessar a pagina do Projeto
if event == 'link':