I would like a help to transform this VBA code to the Google Apps Script script script


Viewed 15 times


I would like a help to transform this VBA code to the Google Apps Script script script.

Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument

Dim oBrowser As InternetExplorer

Sub Login()

Dim oHTML_Element As IHTMLElement

Dim sURL As String

On Error GoTo Err_Clear

   sURL = "https://csps.parts.fiat.com/EplusLogin/"

Set oBrowser = New InternetExplorer

   oBrowser.Silent = True

   oBrowser.timeout = 60

   oBrowser.Navigate sURL

   oBrowser.Visible = True


Loop Until oBrowser.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE

Set HTMLDoc = oBrowser.Document

  HTMLDoc.all.UserName.Value = "teste1"

  HTMLDoc.all.Password.Value = "12345"

For Each oHTML_Element In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("input")

    If oHTML_Element.Type = "submit" Then oHTML_Element.Click: Exit For



Resume Next

End Sub
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