I’m creating an online Judge, like Spoj, Uva and others. I already have my Web part, which was done in PHP, where it is possible to submit the codes and I have a server in Python that receives them, executes the code and returns the result of the program (AC, WA, TLE, RTE). But what I need now is to handle the incoming codes, so it is not possible for example to execute OS command. I didn’t want to have to go through the entire code and keep checking if there is any function that I don’t allow, because that way it would be a lot of work, because every new language I add to my OJ, I would have to figure out what the malicious functions are.
Any idea how to do that ?
If possible explain better what you intend to do, give more details, because the question is currently difficult to understand where you want to go.
– stderr
I need that when the codes arrive in my server in Python they are treated in some way, to avoid malicious code. How to execute OS commands, tinker with files, open Sockets and Threads. All this has to be avoided.
– Gabriel Duarte