Flutter + Php + Mysql


Viewed 48 times


Well, I’m new to flutter but basically I’m doing a simple registration with 3 fields.

Summarizing my problem is that I can register normally by Androidstudio emulator, but when Gero APK and I try to register by my mobile phone it does not perform the registration.

1 - I am using the local server Xampp, 2 - I put the fixed IP of my notebook in the url. 3 - I can access my server and view the files through the mobile browser morally(including it inserts in the table when access the data by the mobile browser).

Follow my connection code below:

_InserirDados() async {
    var url = Uri.parse("");
        body: {
          "nome" : nometxt.text,
          "email" : emailtxt.text,
          "password" : passwordtxt.text
        HttpOverrides.global = new MyHttpOverrides();

My insert.php



    $nome = $_POST['nome'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];

    $res = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO usuario (User_username, User_Login, User_Password) VALUES ('$nome', '$email', '$password')");

    if ($res) {
        echo(json_encode(array("code" => 1, "mensagem" => "Inserido com sucesso")));
    }else {
        echo(json_encode(array("code" => 2, "mensagem" => "Falha na insersão dos dados.")));    


  • It is the kind of problem that will hardly get help here because there is no clear error situation. Only by observing the return of your server and the treatment in the App you will be able to discover the problem.

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