How do I check if the object has a specific name string in Reactjs?


Viewed 36 times


I want to render an image only if my object has the "happy" property, so play the image I want only if this is the string. My object is an API Example:

api = {
 type: "happy"
  return({api.type[0] === "happy"? (<img src={happy.png} />) : (<img src{sad.png}/>)"})
  • Property (key) or value "happy"? What you implied in your question was whether an object has something like { happy: "algum valor..." }.

2 answers


How are you already getting the attribute type directly from your object api just you in your job

  return({api.type === "happy"? (<img src={happy.png} />) : (<img src{sad.png}/>)"})

Since you have only one object of type api and its attribute type is no object array has no need for you to access the type[0]


Try not to use loose values for comparisons of this type, store in a constant. It is also important to consider how the data flow between the components is, prioritize the Hoc (Higher-Order Component).

const TYPE_HAPPY = "happy";

const ImageHappyOrSad = ({ type }) =>
  type === TYPE_HAPPY ? <img src={happy.png} /> : <img src={sad.png} />;

const App = () => {
  const api = {
    type: "happy",

  return <ImageHappyOrSad type={api.type} />;

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