How to return to View items checked by Checkbox?


Viewed 1,642 times


I am developing a project in MVC. In my registration form, I have a checkbox where I select the items I would like to add in the BD. My edit form, I have to get these checked items and show in the view: all the items that are on the grid and the fields that were selected that are saved in the BD. I would like to return to the View all checked items that are saved in the BD.

The code is like this:

@using Forte.Rastreador.ViewModels
@using GridMvc.Html

@model SuperModulosPerfilUsuarioViewModel

    @Html.Label("Nome do Perfil: ")
    @Html.TextBoxFor(u => u.Descricao)
    <br /><br />

<fieldset> //minha checkBOX
    <legend>Modulos do Sistema</legend>

    @Html.Grid(Model.ModulosSistemas).Columns(columns =>
            .RenderValueAs(o => Html.CheckBox("Checked", @Model.Check, new { value = o.CodModulo }));

        columns.Add(u => u.DesModulo)
          .Titled("Modulos Perfil")

<br /><br />


//Action metodo get Editar, onde retorna todo o conteudo de visualizacao para a view.
public ActionResult EditarPerfilUsuario(int CodPerfil)

        var perfilUsuario = PerfilUsuarioRepositorio.ObterPerfilUsuarioPorCodigo(CodPerfil);
        var perfilUsuarioVM = new SuperModulosPerfilUsuarioViewModel();
        perfilUsuarioVM.Descricao = perfilUsuario.Descricao;
        perfilUsuarioVM.ModulosSistemas = ModulosSistemaRepositorio.ListarModulosSistemas();
        perfilUsuarioVM.ModulosDoPerfil = ModulosPerfilRepositorio.ListarModulosDoPerfisPorCodPerfil(CodPerfil);

        foreach (var ms in perfilUsuarioVM.ModulosSistemas)
            foreach (var mp in perfilUsuarioVM.ModulosDoPerfil)
                if (ms.CodModulo == mp.CodModulo)
                    perfilUsuarioVM.Check = true;

        return View("EditarPerfilUsuario", perfilUsuarioVM);

    public IEnumerable<ModulosSistema> ListarModulosSistemas()    //metodos listar que se encontram no meu repositorio
        return this.Context.ModulosSistemas;

    public IEnumerable<ModulosDoPerfil> ListarModulosDoPerfisPorCodPerfil(int CodPerfil)
        return this.Context.ModulosDoPerfil.Where(c=>c.CodPerfil==CodPerfil);
  • Is there any way to do this without using gridmvc?? in the foreach view???

  • Which version of MVC you are using?

1 answer


Unfortunately I especially find it bad to work with checkboxes and radiobuttons with MVC, but one of the ways I use this example to help you. Here’s an example I did using the MVC helpers:

Control code:

     public class DisplayCheckBox
        public int Valor { get; set; }
        public string Texto { get; set; }
        public bool Selecionado { get; set; }

     public class FiltroController : Controller
        public List<DisplayCheckBox> TodosChecks = new List<DisplayCheckBox>();

        public FiltroController()
           for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
              TodosChecks.Add(new DisplayCheckBox { Valor = i, Texto = "Nome " + i.ToString(), Selecionado = (i % 2 == 0) });

        // GET: /Filtro/
        public ActionResult Index()
           return View(new Formulario { Nome = "Teste", checados = TodosChecks });

        public ActionResult Index(Formulario modelo)
           return View(modelo);

     public class Formulario
        public string Nome { get; set; }
        public List<DisplayCheckBox> checados { get; set; }

View code:

  @model MVCApp.Controllers.Formulario

  @using (Html.BeginForm())
     <div class="form-horizontal">
        <div class="col-md-12">
           @Html.EditorFor(modelitem => modelitem.Nome)
        <div class="col-md-12">
              @for (int i = 0; i < Model.checados.Count; i++)
                    @Html.CheckBoxFor(modelitem => Model.checados[i].Selecionado)

                    @Html.HiddenFor(modelitem => Model.checados[i].Valor)
                    @Html.HiddenFor(modelitem => Model.checados[i].Texto)

        <div class="col-md-12">
           <button class="btn" type="submit">Salvar</button>

Note: In the example I load only the selected pairs ( would be those of your database ) and each post it sends the template with the selected property == true for those selected!

I hope I’ve helped!!

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