Good afternoon!
I’m studying the best way to communicate my web project with an Arduino board. So far I’ve managed SEND an asynchronous form of a command, according to the code below:
//metodo para acender o led verde...
public static async Task<string> GreenLed(string ipCB)
//acender luz verde...
using (var client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage request = await client.GetAsync("http://" + ipCB + "/5/on");
return "true";
Is there any way RECEIVE Any information from Rduino in the same way, via URL? This is the best way to do this?
Are you using a Shield Wifi or Ethernet on your Arduino? No for Shield Wifi so what I saw in the documentation there is Wifi. h that contains a class that functions as an HTTP client, so you can make requests to your server. NET just like you did for the Arduino.
– Zignd
As commented, you need to create an endpoint to receive the requests in your Webapi and implement in the Arduino code for it to send these messages to your API. I recommend that you edit your question by presenting a [mcve]
– Leandro Angelo