Arduin build error


Viewed 19 times


my code on the Arduino

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
int pinoMotor = 11; 
int pinoBotao = 12;
int on = 0;
int estadoBotao;

pinMode(pinoMotor, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinoBotao, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
estadoBotao = digitalRead(pinoBotao);
       if (estadoBotao == HIGH) {
            if(on == 1)
            {on = 0;}
       else{on = 1;}


if ( on ==1) 
     {digitalWrite (pinoMotor, HIGH);
else {digitalWrite (pinoMotor, LOW);}

delay (100); 

Well, when I compile this code, in the command line state Otao = digitalRead(pinoBotao); message comes out:

'stateBotao' was not declared in the Scope

  • 2

    Declare your 4 variables outside of the functions. Otherwise, they will only be accessible within the function where they were declared (in this case, setup).

  • bfavaretto I did what you commented to put when I declare the variaves before the void setup, a new error msg appears "Compiling error for the Arduino Uno board"

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