How to access the getter and Setter methods of one class through another in a generic C++


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I would like to be able to assign and/or retrieve values of an object through another class, where I can declare which properties I would like to access, their types, the method to access the private attribute value and the method to assign the value.

I would like to store in a hash the name of the property and the methods to manipulate the value, in this way I could use generic class values by other entities, but I do not know if it is possible (I imagine so), and I do not know how to do.

The code below is not functional, it was based on an attempt I was making to try to implement a solution. Of the error can example of:

error: no matching function for call to 'Test<unsigned int>::Test(C&, const char [2], unsigned int (C::*)() const, void (C::*)(unsigned int))'
     auto t1 = new Test<unsigned int>(c, "a", &C::getA, &C::setA);

Below the code snippet

#include <string>
#include <map>

class C {
    unsigned int getA() const {
        return a;

    void setA(unsigned int value) {
        C::a = value;

    const std::string &getB() {
        return b;

    void setB(const std::string &value) {
        C::b = value;

    unsigned int a;
    std::string b;

template<typename T>
class Test {
    Test(T t, const std::string attribute, const T (*getter)(), void (*setter)(T)) : t(t), attribute(attribute),
                                                                                      getter(getter), setter(setter) {}

    const std::string &getAttribute() const {
        return attribute;

    T t;
    std::string attribute;

    const T (*getter)();

    void (*setter)(T t);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    C c;
    auto t1 = new Test<unsigned int>(c, "a", &C::getA, &C::setA);
    auto t2 = new Test<std::string>(c, "b", &C::getB, &C::setB);
    std::map<std::string, std::string *> map;
    map.insert({t1.getAttribute, t1});
    map.insert({t2.getAttribute, t2});

So basically I have two questions is it possible to do this? if yes, how?

In this context for example if I needed to retrieve the value of "a" (variable) t1, I would like to go to the map and use the getter function pointer of the Test class

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