Hello! I am developing a VBA project whose main input is a function f(x,y). I still find it difficult to configure the Textbox to limit the entries, for example: when inserting the "c" character, I would like it to appear "cos" to avoid input errors. However, I am not able to think of a solution that can 'autocomplete' anywhere in the text.
Another problem that also could not think of a solution would be if the user decided to delete some character of that single word, e.g. "Cs". In that case, I would like the whole word "cos" to be erased, or rather "cos" to be one.
Private Sub ctx_funcao_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Dim MyStr As String
Dim pos As Integer
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 8 '//Backspace (seta de apagar)
Case 99 '//c
Case 108 '//l
Case 115 '//s
Case 116 '//t
Case 40 To 57 '//Números de 0 a 9 e operadores matemáticos
Case 94 ' ^
Case 120 To 121 ' x e y
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0 '//Não deixa nenhuma outra caractere ser escrito
End Select
End Sub
So far I have only this of settings. I appreciate any help from now!