Get last login of the user


Viewed 269 times


In my project I came up with this business rule.

I need to pick up the last time the user logged in to the system. So it would be something so that I could catch the day and time of the last login.

I already have the column created in the database called UltimoLogin which is a DateTime.

Can someone help me?

Code of Controller


    public ActionResult Index(String Login, String Senha)
        //verificando login pelo usuario do banco de dados ...
        Usuario login = db.Usuarios.Where(x => x.Login == Login && x.Senha == Senha).FirstOrDefault();

        if (login != null)
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(login.Nome.ToString(), false);
            Session.Add(".PermissionCookie", login.Perfil);
            Session.Add("UsuarioID", login.UsuarioID);
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); // página padrão para todos os usuários

        return RedirectToAction("Index");           

1 answer


You can do so, when you are logging in seven user property UltimoLogin for DateTime.Now and save the modifications. If this db is an instance of a DbContext Entity Framework would look like this

public ActionResult Index(String Login, String Senha)
    //verificando login pelo usuario do banco de dados ...
    Usuario login = db.Usuarios.Where(x => x.Login == Login && x.Senha == Senha).FirstOrDefault();
    if (login != null)
        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(login.Nome.ToString(), false);
        Session.Add(".PermissionCookie", login.Perfil);
        Session.Add("UsuarioID", login.UsuarioID);
        login.UltimoLogin = DateTime.Now;
        db.Entry<Usuario>(login).State = EntityState.Modified;
        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); //pagina padrao para todos os usuarios...
    return RedirectToAction("Index");


And basically when you need this data is just you take the value of that column. If, as I imagined, you are using the Entity Framework, it will already put the value for you in the property UltimoLogin of the object Usuario. The enumeration EntityState is in the namespace System.Data.Entity

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