hashlib.md5(b""). Digest() equivalent in PHP


Viewed 43 times


Hello guys I’m having the following problem I need to create a php script based on a python script would be all right until I find it:

hashlib.md5(b"55M5033B556EUU53").digest() the exit: "b'P.\xfd\xe9\xdez\xc0*\xf1\x0eC\x93\xc9L\xad\xaa'"

The problem is that I don’t know anything in php that I return this, I’ve done several searches and nothing, reading the php documentation I found this:

echo openssl_digest("55M5033B556EUU53", "md5"); the exit: "502efde9de7ac02af10e4393c94cadaa".

If I do it in python:

hashlib.md5(b"55M5033B556EUU53").hexdigest() the exit: "502efde9de7ac02af10e4393c94cadaa".

It’s the same as php, but the problem is that I need it: "P.\xfd\xe9\xdez\xc0*\xf1\x0eC\x93\xc9L\xad\xaa" in php, someone can tell me how or at least give me an orientation of what I should search for to find the solution. For me to finish the script in php just missing this function, but for me to try to write this function in php I need the key in this format "P.\xfd\xe9\xdez\xc0*\xf1\x0eC\x93\xc9L\xad\xaa" because if in python I put this "502efde9de7ac02af10e4393c94cadaa" in the error function:

import hashlib
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from clint.textui import progress

    unpad = lambda d: d[:-d[-1]]

    def decrypt_progress(inf, outf, key, length):
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
        assert length % 16 == 0
        chunks = length//4096+1
        for i in progress.bar(range(chunks)):
            block = inf.read(4096)
            if not block:
            decblock = cipher.decrypt(block)
            if i == chunks - 1:

with open(inff, "rb") as inf:
    with open(outft, "wb") as outf:
        decrypt_progress(inf, outf, key, length)

inf is the encrypted file out location where the decrypted file will be saved key = 55M5033B556EUU53 file size

From now on I thank you all.

1 answer


I believe what you are looking for is to convert Hex to binary. Assuming that hashlib.md5(b"55M5033B556EUU53").hexdigest() has the same result as PHP.

You can use the hex2bin (or pack/unpack) or set the argument "Binary" in hash or openssl_digest for true

I believe that solves:

hash("md5", "55M5033B556EUU53", true);

openssl_digest("55M5033B556EUU53", "md5", true);

md5("55M5033B556EUU53", true);

hex2bin(hash("md5", "55M5033B556EUU53"));

The true will return in binary instead of hexadecimal.

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