Continuous Integration - Test and PRD on the same server with Docker-Compose and Travis-CI


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I have a Java system with Spring running in a Docker container with Docker-Compose. Integration works with Github >> Travis-CI >> Docker (on the server).

I’m trying to assemble two applications from the same repository (one test and one production) on the same server (each responding on its port). But every time I make one docker-compose pull in the test container it updates the image, and consequently updates the two containers (test and production).

I don’t have as much experience with Docker, but I believe that this must be happening because of the image that is unique.

What would be the best format to be able to individualize the pull of each container? Maybe put together two images? If that’s the way, would someone tell me how I can set up Docker-Compose.yml to mount two images from the same repository?

My Docker-Compose.yml is like this

version: '3.4'
    image: mysql:5.7.22
    command: mysqld --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    restart: always
      TZ: America/Sao_Paulo
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: *************
      MYSQL_USER: easy
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: *********
      MYSQL_DATABASE: easy
      - "3308:3306"
      - easy-network
    image: agcaldeira/easy-call
    restart: always
    working_dir: /EasyCall
      TZ: America/Sao_Paulo
      - "80:8080" 
    command: mvn spring-boot:run
      - db-easy
      - easy-network
        driver: bridge

On the server I have two very similar Docker-Compose.yml. The only differences are the external ports. If anyone knows how to fix it give me a help please.

Thank you.

  • use different service names, for example easy-call and easy-call-tests

  • Hi @Ricardo, thanks for replying. pull, He updated the image (single) and marked it as Latest. When restarting the containers the two were updated (even pulling only in test). Below is a snippet of the Docker-Compose.yml test: easy-call-test: image: agcaldeira/easy-call Restart: Always working_dir: /Easycall Environment: TZ: America/Sao_paulo Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.

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