Right Button Print Html generates blank sheet - Asp.net MVC4


Viewed 33 times


Guys, I have a problem where I have an html page. Right-clicking -> Print generates a blank sheet at the end.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I have already reduced the html of the page to almost nothing but still generating this extra sheet. I reduced the width and height but also did not have an effect. I think it might be something in _Layout.cshtml or something like that.

What can I do to end this extra page? Thanks

  • "generates a blank sheet at the end" will pq html not fit on a page? ever tried to do tests by removing things or changing height? what you checked?

  • 1

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1 answer


The ideal would be to ignore this browser print and create a print button on your page and with JS have print an HTML optimized for printing.

Here are some tips on how to do: How to print content inside an HTML div?

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