Because VBA returns #value error


Viewed 31 times


Hello I have the following vba code which is a function that takes three parameters and calculates the functions Bult-in trend and rquad and depending on the result it returns trend or the average of the last values.

Function CAPACIDADEPORT(KY As Range, KX As Range, UX)

    Dim RQUAD As Double
    Dim TENDE As Variant
    RQUAD = Application.WorksheetFunction.RSq(KY.Value, KX.Value)
    TENDE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trend(KY.Value, KX.Value, UX.Value)
    If RQUAD > 0.6 Then
        CAPACIDADEPORT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(KY.Cells(KY.Cells.Count).Offset(-4).Resize(5))
    End If
End Function

This function above works normally. The problem is when I add one more test in if(TENDE > 0), after I change it always returns value error being that the data I pass as parameter for both are the same.

Function CAPACIDADEPORT(KY As Range, KX As Range, UX)
        Dim RQUAD As Double
        Dim TENDE As Variant
        RQUAD = Application.WorksheetFunction.RSq(KY.Value, KX.Value)
        TENDE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trend(KY.Value, KX.Value, UX.Value)
        If RQUAD > 0.6 AND TENDE > 0 Then
            CAPACIDADEPORT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(KY.Cells(KY.Cells.Count).Offset(-4).Resize(5))
        End If
    End Function

I wonder what could be leading to that mistake. Grateful from now on.

  • How are you calling the function in the spreadsheet, including the 3 arguments? I noticed that the last parameter you did not mark as As Range, what’s going to him?

  • In the last parameter there is only one cell with a number. I call the function like this: =capacidadeport(B2:B15;A2:A15;A16)

1 answer


To documentation of the function leaves to be desired by informing that it returns a Variant when in fact it returns a Array de Variant. You can check this by using the Vartype.

In my tests, even when I passed UX with only one cell he would return one Array with 2 values, the second value being the trend itself (I’m not sure what came in the first element). Adding (1) in front of the calculation of TENDE corrected the behavior.

Follow the corrected code:

Function CAPACIDADEPORT(KY As Range, KX As Range, UX As Range)
    Dim RQUAD As Double
    Dim TENDE As Variant
    RQUAD = Application.WorksheetFunction.RSq(KY, KX)
    TENDE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trend(KY, KX, UX)(1)
    If RQUAD > 0.6 And TENDE > 0 Then
        CAPACIDADEPORT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(KY.Cells(KY.Cells.Count).Offset(-4).Resize(5))
    End If

End Function
  • Thank you very much. Helped a lot, really the documentation of the function leaves to be desired and I find it strange to return an array, but anyway, it is the tip for me to pay more attention.

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