Assign Values according to array dates


Viewed 23 times


I have the following objects returning in values:

2021-02-18: {TOTAL: 20, OUTROS: 8, VALIDOS: 12, MEDIA: 841.8600000000001}
2021-02-19: {TOTAL: 20, OUTROS: 6, VALIDOS: 11, MEDIA: 774.84}
2021-02-22: {TOTAL: 21, OUTROS: 10, VALIDOS: 12, MEDIA: 772.55}
2021-02-23: {TOTAL: 19, OUTROS: 7, VALIDOS: 12, MEDIA: 1029.3799999999999}

2020-03-10: {VALIDOS: 13}
2020-03-11: {VALIDOS: 11}
2020-03-12: {VALIDOS: 7}
2020-03-13: {VALIDOS: 10}
2020-03-14: {VALIDOS: 11}

And I’m assigning the dates to an array as shown below:

$('document').ready(function() {
$.post("./chart.php", function(dados, status){

var valores = JSON.parse(dados);

    var diasDuasSemanas = [];
    var diasPrimeiro = [];
    var diasSegundo = [];
    var diasTerceiro = [];
    var diasUltimo = [];

    for (var d in valores['duasSemanas'])

    for (var p in valores['primeiroTrimestre'])

    . . . 

My question is: How do I access the ASSOCIATIONS Total, Validos, Others... and assign them to an array?

var arrayTotal = []

For example: dayFirst(every day) : arrayTotal(all totals according to day)

Help me please, it’s of utmost importance!

  • Your first snippet is not a valid JSON, so the line JSON.parse(dados) would make a mistake. Are you sure that’s the information you get?

  • Yes, when I put in the chart Chart appear the dates too, I copied the direct return from the console

  • But it is not a valid JSON, so its code doesn’t make much sense. It could make a [mcve] demonstrating the problem?

  • I only need to access the third array within the previous 2

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