Passing id to pdf printing with cakephp3 and tcpdf


Viewed 47 times


Personal I am generating reports in pdf and I am with the following problem, I need to set the id of the volunteer to print the pdf with the data of the volunteer, I tried as follows by the link:


<?= $this->Html->link(__('Imprimir'), ['action' => 'pdf_view2', $voluntario->id], ['class'=>'btn btn-info btn-xs']) ?>

it turns out that even though pdf printing obeys only the id I pass in the controller, so if I pass null, it comes null, if I pass the normal id as 2... comes the volunteer number 2... as I can pass the volunteer id to pdf_view?


public function pdf_view2($schedule_id = null, $id = 2){        
      $this->set('title', 'My Great Title');
      $this->set('file_name', '2016-06' . '_June_CLM.pdf');

  /*  $this->paginate = [
        'contain' => ['Oficinas']
    $voluntarios = $this->paginate($this->Voluntarios);


    $voluntario = $this->Voluntarios->get($id, [
        'contain' => ['Oficinas']


    $this->set('voluntario', $voluntario);

I need to take this id=2 and put so that it takes the volunteer id, how to do?

2 answers


Your method should look like this:

    public function pdf_view2($schedule_id = null, $id = null)
      $this->set('title', 'My Great Title');
      $this->set('file_name', '2016-06' . '_June_CLM.pdf');
      $voluntario = $this->Voluntarios->get($id, [
            'contain' => ['Oficinas'],

        $this->set('voluntario', $voluntario);

Here on this line:

<?= $this->Html->link(__('Imprimir'), ['action' => 'pdf_view2', $voluntario->id], ['class'=>'btn btn-info btn-xs']) ?>

You need to see what is being passed on $voluntario->id

This is what is going to the parameter. You need to see if you are loading the id correctly!

  • did not work... id goes in the right url ... but for some reason it does not return the volunteer in pdf... it only returns when I set it in the controller function

  • I updated the answer! Check the value of $voluntario->id.

  • get buddy. thanks a lot for the help, the value of the voluntario id was ok... a facebook guy advised me and I just switched places the $schedule_id = null and the $id = null kkk anyway thanks so much for helping me


Change that line:

public function pdf_view2($schedule_id = null, $id = 2){


public function pdf_view2($id = null, $schedule_id = null){

Its function receives the ID of your URL in the first parameter and not in the second.

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