Are there advantages or disadvantages between using closures or classes to achieve Javascript dependency injection?


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Let’s say I have a function that depends on a logger to work. To follow the "good practice" and achieve a certain level of decoupling, I decide to make use of dependency injection so that this function does not depend on any logger concrete, only from a predefined interface.

In Javascript, there are two main "manual" forms (i.e. without depending on frameworks D.I.) for this purpose. To illustrate, consider the two code snippets below, equal in functionality:

  1. Classes

    One of the most common options for this is to use classes and inject the dependency through the constructor:

    interface ILogger {
      log(data: string): void;
    export class DoStuffClass {
      constructor(logger: ILogger) {
        this._logger = logger;
      doStuff() {
        // ...
        this._logger.log('Deu certo!');

    And to instantiate, in the main:

    // Implementação concreta de ILogger:
    import { Logger } from './logger.ts';
    // Nossa classe:
    import { DoStuffClass } from './do-stuff-class.ts';
    const logger = new Logger();
    const instance = new DoStuffClass(logger);
    instance.doStuff(); // OK. ✔︎
  2. Factory functions

    Another option is to use a Factory Function using the mechanism of closures javascript:

    type LogFn = (data: string) => void;
    interface Deps {
      log: LogFn;
    export function DoStuff({ log }: Deps) {
      return function doStuff() {
        // ...
        log('Deu certo!');

    And for "instantiation", in the main:

    // Implementação concreta da função `LogFn`
    import { log } from './log.ts';
    // Nossa factory function:
    import { DoStuff } from './do-stuff.ts';
    const doStuff = DoStuff({ log });
    doStuff(); // OK. ✔︎

Note that the scope of the question is only relative to dependency injection. Initially I do not intend to maintain status, so it is indifferent to compare classes or Factory functions to that end, although it is possible with the two constructions.

Finally, I do not want opinions; if possible I would like to know the facts:

  • What are the advantages of using a classes for addiction injection? And the disadvantages?
  • And the advantages (and disadvantages) of targeting addiction injection with Factory functions?
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