Shellscript does not run cd, calling sh via php


Viewed 75 times


all right? See if anyone has been through this, I’m with this simple code in shellscript, which access folder (/home/test4toquew5824) and then confirm if I entered the directory with pwd,

cd /home/teste4toquew5824 && pwd

and I have a php file (located in /var/www/html) that calls this sh:

    $retorno = shell_exec('/usr/local/bin/api/');
    echo "<br><br>";

When I get the pwd return it shows as if it is still in the php file directory (/var/www/html), i.e., it is not "accepting" or running the cd command.

1 - I’ve already applied permissions for php and sh.

2 - I have confirmed the directory /home/teste4toquew5824 exists

3 - I already tested and placed an echo inside sh just to confirm that php is calling and running sh correctly.

4 - I have already put in sh a line to copy a file just to be sure that another command is running too and copied the file to /var/www/html

Anybody got any ideas? Thank you very much

  • Change the shebang from the script of #!/bin/bash for #!/bin/sh - .Bash does not accept pwd.

  • I switched here, even though it didn’t happen :( It doesn’t seem to be entering the folder

3 answers


Try adding an echo to the script by staying that way.

cd /home/teste4toquew5824 && echo $(pwd)

  • nothing saw, continues printing NULL :(


Try changing to:

$return = shell_exec('. /usr/local/bin/api/');

This forces you to execute the command within your current process.

  • I tested it here now, it didn’t roll :(

  • You can change the current process execution directory using chdir, for example: chdir(' /home/teste4toquew5824'); .


Hello... Try this way: Throw the path into a variable. By the way, I don’t know which user will run so load the profile and externally to the script, confirm if you have permission.

Then run the cd calling the variable, example:

. /etc/profile
cd $path

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