Limit in Laravel 7


Viewed 31 times


I’m with the following Query in Laravel 7.

$itens_carros_melhores_ofertas = Veiculo::where('status', 1)
           ->orderBy('ano', 'DESC')

The problem: I need to display the next records, excluding the first three pick up. I think: 3,9, would search for the next 6 records, but that’s not how he behaves, what can I do?

  • Reason for negativity?

  • 1

    Good wasn’t that I negative, you want to take what from the table?

  • novic Obg, then. I have 9 records. In my first query, I have 0.3. I need to search +6 records, out of these 3. In case, 3.9, I think.

  • 1

    I couldn’t use the skip(3), since you want to ignore the first three?

  • I don’t know friend @Woss, I’m new in Laravel (about 30 days I’m using), I used 5 years Codeigniter.

  • 1

    which version of Laravel? is 3.9 even or maybe 4.9 depends on the bank

  • novic woss: I solved with Skip(3), but the version I’m using of Laravel is 7.3

  • Do I exclude the question, or can they include an answer to stay for others? I thank you both.

  • 1

    Don’t exclude the Question, see the answers and move on, further improving your questions

  • 1

    Okay, I really appreciate @novic

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1 answer


In the documentation in part Limit & Offset has two ways to do this search for parts of records starting from a position:


$users = DB::table('users')->skip(10)->take(5)->get();


users = DB::table('users')->offset(10)->limit(5)->get();


in your case you can do so:

$itens_carros_melhores_ofertas = Veiculo::where('status', 1)
    ->orderBy('ano', 'DESC')

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