How to convert an AES decryption code to php?


Viewed 19 times


I need to decrypt an encrypted variable in php via Javascript in the Cloudflare Workers, how could I convert this broken code into php for JS in order to decrypt correctly?


define("SHARED_SECRET", "sup3rs3cr3t!!");

function decrypt($ivHashCiphertext, $password) {
    $method = "AES-256-CBC";
    $iv = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 0, 16);
    $hash = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 16, 32);
    $ciphertext = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 48);
    $key = hash('sha256', $password, true);

    if (!hash_equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $ciphertext . $iv, $key, true), $hash)) return null;

    return openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $method, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$decrypted = decrypt(hex2bin($signature), SHARED_SECRET);
$json_payload = json_decode($decrypted, true);

How to get the above result in JS compatible with Cloudflare Workers?

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