Add option in a select in original order


Viewed 20 times


Hello, I have a function that allows you to remove and reset options from a <select>, the "problem" is that when it comes to readjusting the option it goes to the end of select instead of remaining in the original order, I thought of using an array adding the values already in the order I need and somehow verifying the position of the Stack 01 in that array, could someone tell me if that shape I said would be valid or has some other simpler way to do it, and how it could put into practice.

I am currently using this method to add, remembering that this select is created by jquery itself, so some forms do not work:

$('select').append(`<option>Stack 01</option>`)

1 answer


Use the function prepend:

The . prepend() method inserts the specified content as the first child of each element in the jQuery collection.

$('select').prepend(`<option>Stack 01</option>`)
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