Insert the json return inside Divs separated by <div> </div>


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I got a comeback like JSON I’m trying to insert into the div, but it’s inserted all on top of each other.

<!-- DIV que vai receber as informações -->
<div class="conteudo">
    <div class="foto"> FOTO </div>
    <div class="inf"> TITULO </div>
    <div class="inf"> DESCRICAO </div>
    <div class="inf"> PRECO </div>
<div class="conteudo">
    <div class="foto"> FOTO </div>
    <div class="inf"> TITULO </div>
    <div class="inf"> DESCRICAO </div>
    <div class="inf"> PRECO </div>

My loop to try to fill the Divs

$("#menu li").click(function() {

var id = $(this).attr("id");

    type: 'GET',
    url: "categoria/"+id,
    contentType: "charset=utf-8",
        json = $.parseJSON(output);
        $.each(json, function(i, items){

return false;


I need to place the content of each json field in its respective div. I tried to insert id instead of css classes to identify. I also tried to use . append() methods. clone(), addClass(), appendTo but to no avail. If you can help me.

  • just a hint, you can do this using jsViews:

2 answers


You are always inserting in the same div, so the content is being overwritten. Do something like:

<!-- DIV que vai receber as informações -->
<div class="conteudos">
    <div class="conteudo">
        <div class="foto"> FOTO </div>
        <div class="inf"> TITULO </div>
        <div class="inf"> DESCRICAO </div>
        <div class="inf"> PRECO </div>

And then in jQuery:

$("#menu li").click(function() {

var id = $(this).attr("id");

    type: 'GET',
    url: "categoria/"+id,
    contentType: "charset=utf-8",
        json = $.parseJSON(output);
        $.each(json, function(i, items){
            // Clona a div e armazena o conteudo em uma var temporária
            var clone = $('.conteudo:last').clone();
            // Aqui você seleciona a div conteudo baseado no idx (i)
            // Agora vc insere a div clonada dentro da div mãe
            // Aqui vale uma validação, caso seja a última iteração você não precisa inserir mais divs.
return false;
  • I think you just added the cloned div to the DOM, no?

  • Well observed, I had inserted a div involving his HTML to insert future Ivs, but before posting I wondered why I had done that and removed.

  • Luis Henrique thanks for the reply. but it still didn’t work. I didn’t understand the use $('. content:eq(i)').


Create a id for each append that for certain,

for example: HTML

<div id='imagem'> Mostra a imagem </div>
<div id='title'> Mostra o titulo </div>
<div id='descricao'> Mostra a descriçao </div>


  • This is still not good, because if there are more objects with these attributes, there will still be conflicts.

  • Why don’t you make the dynamic creation of Ivs? this way you don’t need to create id or class, inside this <div id='content'> of an append so var div += '<div>' + items.Fields['image'] + </div>); and so with the others, ai Process already an append creating the Divs

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