I need to create a code, in HTML as simple as possible, where a person types a certain string and clicks a button.
With this, a URL with this string is opened in a new tab (example.com/string).
I’m starting to study now and, for now, I’ve managed to get to that:
<label for="dadopesquisado">Digite aqui:</label>
<input type="text" id="texto" name="texto"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Pesquisar">
"I need to create a code" and what have you been able to do? asks the question
– Ricardo Pontual
I am beginner and I managed to do only this rsrs
– alasnor
Do you already have a source site? Because apparently the user will not have to type "https://..." will only pass the string as a parameter to some url, what is it? Because I can answer the question but if it gives the URL in which the string will be passed as a parameter to it, is easier because then you can test and see working.
– Dakota
Well, I wanted a word search to be directed to a dictionary. It could be https://www.dicio.com.br/.
– alasnor