Add Google Maps to the Android APP to pick up the user’s current location


Viewed 21 times


I have an Android App, which I use as "Webview", interconnected to my map on the web, with restricted access to registered.

  1. In this case, in this APP, I need to take the CURRENT LOCATION OF THE USER and SAVE in my external data (Mysql - Map), I believe via AJAX. (Doing this every 04 seconds). Or better, I need to monitor this user while browsing, after: it allows the APP to access the location.

In short: I only need the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE every 04 seconds, to be saved in the BD. .

Honestly, I don’t know how to do it. I’ve read tutorials, but each one has different tips, so it’s hard to understand.

I apologize if this is not the right medium to post.

Can anyone give me a light regarding this? Or, in the best way, if you provide this service, contact me.

Thank you

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