Fat Jar Eclipse Plug-in does not appear in Export


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I need to extract a "fat" jar, I installed the Fat Jar Plug-in in eclipse (https://sourceforge.net/projects/fjep/).

Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)

Extract the jar to the plugins eclipse folder and run the eclipse by eclipse-clean command, as directed : http://fjep.sourceforge.net/

However, to export I must access File -> Export -> Other -> One Jar Exporter (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11953381/export-runnable-jars-from-eclipse-without-libraries), but in Eclipse there is no option Other and none of the available options have the Fat Jar , as image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • "I need to extract fat JAR" Not extract, export. Question, does Eclipse’s Runnable JAR (executable JAR) not suit you? It is on this screen that you spoke, inside Java (inside the folder, in the image the folder is not open). Depending on how it is configured to export it may even generate a Fat JAR, I think. What else is inside Java and General on that screen? Another thing, this is an easy way to do, but nowadays it uses more automated forms, such as a Maven plugin for Fat Jars declared in a Maven project, it’s good to keep this in mind depending on what you need.

  • This link you quoted http://fjep.sourceforge.net/ says that Eclipse 3.5 onwards has a simple version of exporting Fat JAR already integrated into the Runnable JAR export, so if you are using a recent version of Eclipse you would not need the plugin. I think it is precisely the functionality I mentioned, will appear three (think) options for integration of the Ibraries in the JAR, have to choose one of them.

  • Question, Eclipse’s Runnable JAR (executable JAR) does not suit you? It doesn’t answer, because it only works by running from the terminal (java - jar meujar.jar), opening it does not make screen transition and would like it to work as an .exe. What else is inside Java and General on this screen? General: An Buildfiles, Archive File , File System and Preferences. Java: JAR file, Javadoc and Runnablea Jar file .

  • As far as I know, a Fat JAR or Über JAR is simply a JAR with all the dependencies inside, different from the conventional ones that the dependencies (like libraries) are outside. It remains a JAR and not an . exe, and therefore runs with java -jar or double-click if the JAR file type is associated with installing Java on the system. That’s not it?

  • I don’t understand if you want a . exe "standalone" that we call (to double-click and run directly to your application) or an installer (of these with Wizard) for your application (because you mentioned screen transition). For the first case I think that http://www.graalvm.org/ is an option that I’ve heard about, I don’t know if the most appropriate one because I don’t have experience with this scenario, so look at others as well. The installer if needed would be an extra need, as in addition to the application being executable would have to create the installer executable for it, which can be done in other languages/tools.

  • I need a jar or an . exe that works with double click. The common Jar does not answer as it does not transition screens.. And when I converted it into . exe , there is the same problem does not transition screens.

  • I don’t know if you’ve solved your problem yet, I just dropped by to comment that according to the most popular question about converting to. exe in the English OS the JDK itself comes with the javapackager which generates native code, seems like a good option. This screen transition problem seems to be some exception that occurs due to the lack of some library in the program that is running, it would have to find a way to better investigate the exceptions that the program generates, or improve it to log the exceptions even if it is in the standard output (System.out).

  • I have not solved yet, I will see in this question to which you refer. É has no exception .

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