Turn JAR into EXE using Launch4j , does not run the program as it should?


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I exported an eclipse jar that normally runs it via terminal: java - jar meujar.jar

But if I turn this jar into . exe using the program Launch4j , the software can not change the screen , for example, on the first screen I have a combobox where I must choose the number 1 or 2, according to the choice calls different frames, however, in the form of exe when selecting the number the application does nothing.

Strange is that the same happens when instead of using the command in the terminal to run the jar I open it with two clicks.

Shows no error, only does not work windows transition. What can be?

  • The assumption I can make is that your jar is not an Uber Jar with all built-in dependencies, and runs correctly with the java -jar by coincidence because the dependencies must be in the classpath and when it turns exe it runs without these dependencies and for lack of some of them it cannot function normally. But it’s just a guess. If it’s true, you have to research how to create an Uber Jar.

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