How to do @Autowired on a List<Meucomponente>?


Viewed 27 times


Good morning,

I have a component that has injected services. This component is of the 'prototype' scope and is running infinitely. I need to run X components (passed via argument) of these and why I would like to use @Autowired List

But how to do this? How to exchange the 4 crawlers for a List?

public class Crawler implements Runnable {
    @Autowired private PaginaService service;
    @Autowired private StatusService statusService;
    public void run() {
        // while loop infinito
public class CrawlerExecutor {
    @Autowired private Crawler crawler1;
    @Autowired private Crawler crawler2;
    @Autowired private Crawler crawler3;
    @Autowired private Crawler crawler4;

    public TaskExecutor executor() {
        return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();
    public CommandLineRunner runner(TaskExecutor executor) {
        return new CommandLineRunner() {
            public void run(String... args) throws Exception {


1 answer


The only solution I could think of to this problem was to create a "qualified" Bean for the Crawlers list:

public class CrawlerList {

    ApplicationContext context;

    private int number;

    public List<Crawler> crawlers() {
        List<Crawler> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {          
            list.add((Crawler) context.getBean(Crawler.class));
        return list;

and change the Crawlerexecutor to inject this "qualified Bean":

public class CrawlerExecutor {
    private List<Crawler> crawlers;

    public TaskExecutor executor() {
        return new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();
    public CommandLineRunner runner(TaskExecutor executor) {
        return new CommandLineRunner() {
            public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
                for (Crawler c : crawlers) {

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