Problems getting a Viewmodel with decimal values using Ajax


Viewed 18 times


When you Get using Ajax, viewModel is coming to the Controller with the fields reset. I’m creating the class manually, converting it and doing the GET. I cannot figure out the reason for the problem, whether I am "setting" the fields with values in wrong format or if there is a problem doing the stringfy. I have tried several ways and could not solve. Someone would know how to help me?

Thank you and a hug to all!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


public class FinanceiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel
    public decimal ValorASerPago { get; set; }

    public decimal ValorPago { get; set; }

    public decimal PercentualJuros { get; set; }

    public decimal PercentualMulta { get; set; }

    public decimal PercentualDesconto { get; set; }


public JsonResult CalcularValoresPadrao(FinanceiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel financeiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel)
    return Json(new { financeiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel = financeiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel });


var valorASerPago = $("#txt-financeiro-parcela-movimento-valor-a-ser-pago").val();
var valorpago = $("#txt-financeiro-parcela-movimento-valor-pago").val();

var financeiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel = {
    ValorASerPago: valorASerPago ? parseFloat(valorASerPago.replace(',', '.')) : 0,
    ValorPago: 0,
    PercentualJuros: 0,
    PercentualMulta: 0,
    PercentualDesconto: 0,


    url: "/financeiro-parcela-movimento-gerenciar/financeiro-parcela-movimento-calcular-valores-padrao",
    type: "GET",
    data: JSON.stringify(financeiroParcelaMovimentoCalculosPadraoViewModel),
    traditional: true,
    success: function (data) {


    error: function () {
        alert("Oops! Algo deu errado.");
        return false;

1 answer


Hello, I believe the ideal and you do a post, by application security, if you have a form on the screen, just do so: serialize: if the form fields are the same as viewModel, it will be recognized.

function financeiroParcelaMovimento(idRecebido, controller) {


    var urlCompleto = "/" + controller + "/Adicionar/";
    var t = $("input[name='__RequestVerificationToken']").val();
    var formulario = $("#Formulario");

        method: "POST",
            "RequestVerificationToken": t
        url: urlCompleto,
        data: formulario.serialize(),
        success: function (resultado) {



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