Release link after completing form


Viewed 1,483 times


I’m a beginner in Javascript/jQuery and I’m wondering how to release a link right after all inputs are filled, otherwise it stays locked:

Follows HTML:

<form id="formulario">
    <input id="usuario"> 
    <input id="senha">
    <button type="button" id="login">Login</button>

4 answers


You can use the bootstrapValidator. It’s simple and it looks very good visually

        message: 'O valor informado não é válido!"',
        feedbackIcons: {
            valid: 'fa fa-check-circle fa-lg text-success',
            invalid: 'fa fa-times-circle fa-lg',
            validating: 'fa fa-refresh'
        fields: {
            usuario: {
                validators: {
                    notEmpty: {
                        message: 'Preencha o usuário antes de continuar!'
            senha: {
                validators: {
                    notEmpty: {
                        message: 'Preencha a senha antes de continuar!'
    }).on('', function(e, data) {
        var $parent = data.element.parents('.form-group');
        $parent.removeClass('has-success');+ '"]').hide();
    }).on('', function(e) {
        isValid = false;

If by chance the user clicks login before filling the fields, the button is disabled to the messages that were set in the function will be shown below the input.

  • 1

    +1 I did not know! It seems to be interesting


You can solve your problem only with an HTML5 attribute called required.

<form id="formulario" action="">
    <input id="usuario" required> 
    <input id="senha" required>
    <input type="submit" id="login" value="Login">

This way the browser does the validation checking if required field is filled.

  • 2

    remembering that required is a new HTML5 attribute

  • There was @Wallacemaxters, who does this work is the browser, until the form is valid submit will not send and the browser will request that the fields be filled, IE, the Submit is disabled.

  • and where would the link go in this case, @Erlon Charles? I believe that’s what Wallace meant...

  • In the Form action, I will edit and put a false url

  • @Wallacemaxters think you’re picking on little old thing kkk the Required attribute of HTML5 serves precisely for the same purpose.... There are only "two problems" when using required.... first if the request is made in Ajax, second if the user’s browser does not support HTML5 tags, which today is unlikely.

  • There is only problem in using ajax in the form if you put its action in .click. If you use the $("form").submit the action will only be sent when the form is valid. I’ve done this several times

  • 1

    No problem @Wallacemaxters, it is the same question interpreted in two different ways, after all what matters is to show different ways of solving the same problem, an entirely complete answer would have all possible solutions to this problem. Your answer is not wrong and neither mine, the two are complementary since if you have a well formatted form the functionality will be the same as doing the validation by javascript and activating/showing a link only with a valid form.

  • Now if, the case is usability and not just functionality (which was not clear in the question) is a different case.

  • To mitigate the user’s intention to click a button with a not complete form yet the ideal was that the button be shown only after every form has been completed correctly, doing the validation each focus or each keyup.

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If I understand correctly that you want to release a link being released after the data is filled in, do the following. Change your HTML to:

<form id="formulario">
    <input required id="usuario"> 
    <input id="senha" required>
    <button type="button" id="login">Login</button>

<a id="seu_link" class="disabled">Seu link Bloqueado</a>

And, with the jQuery, do the following:



       if ($("#usuario").is(':valid') && $("#senha").is(':valid')) {
           // Ação ao submter o formulário 
       } else {

   $(document).on('.disabled', 'click', function(){ return false; });


So you are checking whether the input is filled in.

Note: The verification with is(':valid') or is(':invalid') is only possible if the input has the attribute required or the pattern.

Follow the example of Jsfiddle

In case, as I imagined that maybe you, instead of wanting to unlock a link, unlock the button that makes the submit.

So I wrote the following code.


<form id="formulario">
    <input required id="usuario"> 
    <input id="senha" required>
    <button type="button" id="login" disabled>Login</button>



    var $btn = $("#login");

    $("#usuario, #senha").on('keyup', function(){
        if ($('#usuario').is(':valid') && $('#senha').is(':valid')) {
        } else { 
            $btn.attr({disabled: true});


You can see this second example in this Jsfiddle I think that in this second way, the usability is greater

  • 1

    You forgot to put the class disabled on the link that will be disabled.

  • 1

    Rsrsrs, thanks @Erloncharles

  • @Wallacemaxters, could you put an example on jsfiddle?


There are several ways to do this Eden... One of them is using a library called Jquery-Validate, There’s another library I like called validationEngine

At hand, using only Jquery features you can do something like:

	    // bloqueando envio do form
	    var erros = 0;
	    // verifica se ha campos vazios
	    $("#formulario input").each(function(){
		    // conta erros
    		$(this).val() == "" ? erros++ : "";
	    if(erros > 0 ){	 
		    alert("Existe "+erros+" campo(os) vazio neste fomulário");
<script src=""></script>

<form id="formulario">
<input id="usuario"> 
<input id="senha">
<input type="button" id="login" value="Login">

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