Problems with ADMINER/Postgres


Viewed 11 times


I’m using Docker to use Adminer and Postgres together. However, Adminer is rejecting my password that I put in Postgres, I did not understand very well the reason, since I reviewed the Docker code and everything is ok, I wonder if there is any other way to declare these variables of PASSWORD and USER.

The code I’m using on the terminal:

docker run `
  --name postgres `
  -e POSTGRES_USER=user`
  -e POSTGRES_DB=heroes `
  -p 5432:5432 `
  -d `

docker run `
   --name adminer `
   -p 8080:8080 `
   --link postgres:postgres `
   -d `

I have already consulted the image created by Docker and there is as user, both USER and PASSWORD, but Adminer rejects

Imagem do Docker:

Imagem do Adminer recusando:

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