I’m studying on JS with Node and Express. I am developing an application that will consult emergency relief data through the GOV API.
I have a function that returns the JSON data of a given CPF, it works normal if passed only 1 CPF.
When I try to call this dare function from another function, it only returns an error due to the await
Function that queries in the api:
async function getConsultaBeneficiario(data) {
var obj = [];
try {
var url = `http://www.transparencia.gov.br/api-de-dados/auxilio-emergencial-por-cpf-ou-nis?codigoBeneficiario=${data.cpf}&pagina=1`;
var opt = {
headers: {
'chave-api-dados': 'minhaChave'
const response = await axios.get(url, opt);
if (response.data == '' || response.data == null) {
obj = {
cpf: `${data.cpf}`,
nome: `${data.nome}`,
Message: 'sem informação',
return obj;
obj = response.data;
return obj;
} catch (error) {
'Error - erro na consulta do CPF - function getConsultaBeneficiario(cpf)'
In this function I call the function above, passing through loop, several cpfs for query:
async function getListaBeneficioJson() {
var listaBenef = [];
var jsonBenef = `${__dirname}/json/file.json`;
var data = [];
try {
var benef = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonBenef, 'utf-8'));
var resut = benef.map((item) => {
console.log('chamando funcao getConsultaBeneficiario');
data.push(await getConsultaBeneficiario(item)); // erro se da por essa linha
} catch (error) {
return listaBenef;