Problem loading Composer class to web server


Viewed 17 times


I’m having trouble correctly running a site developed with the MVC architecture on web server. Locally, everything is going well. The folder structure is as follows:

  • public_html(public directory of the server):
    • index php.
    • css
    • js
  • App:
    • App
    • Vendor
    • Composer.json
    • Composer.lock
    • Composer.phar

The index is as follows:


     //ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_STRICT');

     require_once "../App/vendor/autoload.php";

     $route = new \App\Route;


Remembering that, unfortunately, I have no control over enabling php errors in this hosting. Always falls on blank screen or Internal Server Error.

  • I noticed that the path of require_once has the whole vendor folder in lowercase, it may not be that, but already tried to change to require_once "../App/Vendor/autoload.php";?

  • I managed to fix the problem, friend. It was a setup in the . htaccess file.

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