How to exit the VBA loop


Viewed 51 times


Hi guys vcs can help me, I’m running two loops, but I need to stop running the loop when the rows2 variable equals 38. I’m a beginner in programming. I don’t know how you solve.

Sub qty()
    rows1 = 2
    rows2 = 28
    contador = 0
    While linhas2 < 38
        While Sheets("teste").Cells(rows1, 2) <> ""
            If Sheets("teste").Cells(rows2, 1) = Sheets("teste").Cells(Rows, 1) Then
                Sheets("teste").Cells(rows1, 4) = Sheets("teste").Cells(Rows, 4) + Sheets("teste").Cells(rows2, 4)
                rows2 = rows2 + 1
                rows1 = rows1 + 1
                rows2 = rows2 + 1
            End If

End Sub

1 answer


You can do this by just adding a variable continuar then using it as a criterion for the While and updating the value of the variable at each loop.

To better understand, check below all the places where I included this variable continuar.

Sub qty()

    rows1 = 2
    rows2 = 28
    contador = 0
    continuar = True
    While linhas2 < 38 And continuar
        While Sheets("teste").Cells(rows1, 2) <> "" And continuar
            If Sheets("teste").Cells(rows2, 1) = Sheets("teste").Cells(Rows, 1) Then
                Sheets("teste").Cells(rows1, 4) = Sheets("teste").Cells(Rows, 4) + Sheets("teste").Cells(rows2, 4)
                rows2 = rows2 + 1
                rows1 = rows1 + 1
                rows2 = rows2 + 1
            End If
            continuar = rows2 < 38

End Sub
  • opa, vlw partner. Thank you very much! Helped me a lot!!

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