Python script run every 1 second for 3 hours in a row


Viewed 271 times


I need to run a Python script every 1 second for 3-4 hours a day.

This my script updates the data in a table, performs some calculations and takes an action if the calculation rule determines.

Although simple, I could not find something on the forums that could help me to have a direction.

I’d like some suggestions on how I could do that.

2 answers


In my view it has two forms:

  1. Internal loop in the script

You can put your code inside a loop with a timer like this:

import time

while True:
    ... seu script aqui
  1. You could use the "watch" command from linux to run the command from 1 in 1 seconds, for example:
$ watch -n 1 python
  • I did the test and it worked to run the period. To restrict the hours period, there is some function in this Time library?

  • No, but you can do a simple count of: 3h = 60s * 60m * 3h = 10.800s And then change the loop slightly to "while count < 10800" and at the end of it do "count += 1"



Pip install apscheduler

Try scheduled (scheduled scheduling)

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

 scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
    scheduler.add_job(train_model, 'interval', hours=3)

If you want to create a medium without api:

import time
import random 

def infinito():

while True:
        if infinito() == 1:
        parada = random.randrange(1, 10)#por um tempo aleatório entre 1-10 ira parar 
        #time.sleep( parada * 60 )      #a cada minuto ira entrar em um lopp infinito

no 60 exchange for minutes to hour or days

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