Why When do I Check in on TFS my DLL does not go up?


Viewed 330 times


I am with a problem not yet domino Team Foundation but when some employee tries to download the project does not come the DLL’s in the case every time have to keep adding in the project manually and performing compilations per layer for it to be identified, how do I resolve this it is possible to create a sharing folder of these Dll so that everyone can use??

  • Take a look at this link, https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/63904b5e-2dab-4489-9364-583a43bc7eac/keep-referenced-dll-in-tfs?forum=tfsversioncontrol

1 answer


If you are checking in through Visual Studio or Explorer (you must have Power Tools installed), as dll s

will not be included automatically

  • Versionar dll s in version control is a good practice, libraries/frameworks are currently best distributed

via Nuget, there is a public repository in which you can distribute the packages or if it is an internal framework of a

company you can install an internal version of Nuget

  • The dll s of a Solution’s projects when compiled and stay in the bin folder should never be put in control of

version, every time the developer presses F5 he should check out the file which is extremely uncomfortable and you get nothing in versioning them. The binaries for distribution must be generated on a machine, build machine, with TFS you can use Team Build and they will be made available in a Drop folder, but not through TFS. All version drivers get swollen when binary files are put into them unnecessarily.

  • +1 for mentioning the possibility of installing a private nuget.

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