Mongodb Query in PHP Subdocument Index


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I need a force. I have a Mongodb database with a document containing other documents, and I need to create a query in PHP from a key in that subdocument. Follows the structure.

 "_id": "pastadigital",
 "v": {
  "docs": {
   "RG": {
    "tit": "RG",
    "obr": "S",
    "p": "F",
    "x": "1"
   "CPF": {
    "tit": "CPF",
    "obr": "S",
    "p": "F",
    "x": "1"
   "CNPJ": {
    "tit": "CNPJ",
    "obr": "S",
    "p": "J",
    "x": "2"

There are several documents, until then I simply searched everything and would filter the results in the application. My query today is simply like this:

$mon = new mongo();
$filter = ["_id" => ['$in' => ["pastadigital"]]];

$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($filter, []);
$pastadig = $mon->Conn->executeQuery('sistema.confs', $query)->toArray();

But now the need has arisen to search accordingly for that key "x". So I need to do a search, something like ['*.x' => '1']. With * as any index containing x = 1

I tried with regex or look for some Wildcard for indexes but found nothing. Some light?

  • It didn’t work is that?

  • No, actually I could not mount this query and search only the results from the index 'x'

  • basically this works: {$or: [{'': '1'}, {'': '1'}, {'': '1'}]}

  • Yes in this scenario works, but I will not be able to manually inform these documents (RG, CPF) because they are filled dynamically. That’s why I needed a joker in this field and apply the filter directly to x.

  • I’m looking for already test with * and it didn’t work.

  • How so filled in manually: these documents are different? does not have a standard in the document?

  • The * was as an example, I believe it does not serve as a joker. I say that this is a list of documents that is always changed. You won’t always get the number, another day you might get an extra document. So I can’t tell you to search in RG, CPF, etc. I need to replace this document name with a joker. Or some kind of function, that at each document, check if the 'x' is = 1 for example. But with Mongo do not know how to do this.

  • Next doesn’t have a pattern is also very damaging, but, I’m trying to find a way to do this

  • the consultation would be { '':{'$in':{'x':{'$gte':1}}}} if v.Docs was an array, like no, it needs to be something much longer as @novic mentioned, I suggest you turn it into an array, after the properties name equals the property 'tit' within it...

  • explaining: "$in" = iterate array to search of any element that satisfies the query:, query= x for GTE (Greater than or Equal; greater or equal) to 1

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