Problem with WPF project in Visual Studio


Viewed 10 times


Hello, I have a problem in Visual Studio and would like to know if anyone has a solution. I have created a new WPF Window:

public  partial class CadastroCobertura: Window  { (...)}

however this class to maintain the logic of the program must be inherited by another class called Cadastre generico, this class Cadastrogenerico inherits from Window and then I changed the class Cadastrocobertura so that it would be like this:

public  partial class CadastroCobertura : CadastroGenerico { (...)}

the problem is that the WPF Windows classes are divided into two parts, and the other part should also be changed so I made the change:

public partial class CadastroCobertura : CadastroGenerico, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector 

but every time I compile the program it switches to the initial form of the class:

public partial class CadastroCobertura : System.Windows.Window, System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector 

this is because this secondary class is automatically generated by Visual Studio. I notice here a limitation of Visual Studio in not realizing that I want to modify my class, and as I can not modify it my program does not work. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to change this, or do you know how I can send a message to microsoft? Thanks in advance =)

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