Stop process in case of failure or invalid data


Viewed 27 times


I am developing an elixir API and I have a certain process that performs 6 chain actions. My question is how to interrupt this execution each of these 6 actions has a problem.

I would not like to cascade into several case blocks.

Comparing with OO I would like a Return.

Someone has a good solution for this?

1 answer


In the functional paradigm, by the concept of purism, you don’t use exceptions for flow control. That’s why many functions return a tuple {:ok, _} or {:error, _}, or simply :ok and :error.

To check the return of multiple calls, avoiding chains of if, the clause is used with. An example:

with {:ok, %{id: external_id}} <- Parser.parse_body(body),
     {:ok, tweet} <- TwitterApi.get(external_id),
     {:ok, message} <- Messaging.create_message(tweet) do
  {:error, cause} -> respond_with_status(400)
  :error -> respond_with_status(502)

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