Hey, how you doing? I have a problem with the integration of Stone SDK (because in the documentation, I did not find solution for the error I get in android studio). By integrating Stone libraries into Gradle files (root and app)
//stone modulos
implementation 'br.com.stone:stone-sdk:3.8.2'
maven { url "https://packagecloud.io/stone/sdk-android/maven2" }
maven { url "https://packagecloud.io/stone/sdk-android-snapshot/maven2" }
maven { url "https://packagecloud.io/stone/sdk-android-internal/maven2" }
after synchronization my app does not recognize the activities anymore in Android Manifest.
As much as I open the settings and try to reset the default Activity as the app’s Auncher, android studio says that any Activity is not declared on Androidmanifest.xml
What might be going on?