Alternative to allow_url_fopen using xml and geolocation


Viewed 36 times



  • User type an address and I must recover it by means of geolocation.


  • The code below works locally and returns the latitude and longitude value. However, I need it to work on the server. From what I read I need to enable allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include in a php.ini. According to the staff of Locaweb (where I host the site) I will only have access to these instructions if you change your hosting plan, which is currently not feasible.

Can you think of an alternative so I can retrieve that information?


$rua = "Av. Belo Horizonte";
$numero = "122";
$bairro = "Belo Horizonte";

$xml_link = ' Carmelo, Minas Gerais,' . $rua . ',Numero ' . $numero . ',Bairro ' . $bairro . '&key=API-KEY'; 

$latitude = $xml->result->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $xml->result->geometry->location->lng;

echo gettype($latitude);

echo($latitude . ", " . $longitude);


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