Map vector in Java


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I have a data structure work in which I need to create an array and implement the interface Map of Java and, inside it, I store the ordered maps. I’ve already created the vector, but now I don’t know how to implement the method put (and others).

package vetor;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import estudante.Estudante;

public class Vetor_map implements Map<Object, Object> {

private int nElementos;
private Map mapa[];

public Vetor_map(int max) {
    nElementos = 0;

// PUT
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
    if (!isFull()) {
        mapa[nElementos].put(key, value);
        return true;
    return false;

public boolean isEmpty() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if (nElementos == 0)
        return true;
    return false;

public boolean isFull() {
    if (nElementos == mapa.length) {
        return true;
    return false;
//tem outros metodos abaixo mas nao implementei ainda

Down with main:

package main;

import estudante.Estudante;
import vetor.Chave;
import vetor.Vetor_map;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    Vetor_map vm = new Vetor_map(10);
    Chave ch = new Chave();
    Estudante es = new Estudante();
    System.out.println("Chave: " + ch + ", Estudante: "+ es);
    vm.put(ch, es);


Ao executar retorna NullPointer

I don’t find any example of similar implementation on the internet.

  • this occurs pq inside its Vetor_map class the map variable is not initialized

  • I fixed that part in the constructor and it follows the same error, I believe it is the put, but I do not know how to solve

  • you initialized the array maps as well? if you do for example Map[] = new Map[10], the array will be ok but the internal maps will still be null, you need then initialize the index map too, for example map[0] = new Hashmap(); and then yes give the put

1 answer


I don’t find any example of similar implementation on the internet

It’s because it doesn’t make any sense.

I want to make a few points here before I reply:

What you are doing (or asked to do) makes no sense, you are implementing the interface Map Java (will have to implement several methods) and is using a variable to control the index.
How you will get the value when passing a certain key?
At each insertion, you will have to initialize a new value-key structure. So, each key and value will have only one element internally.

But anyway, if it’s a schoolwork, it should be done, but I suggest reading the statement again and questioning the teacher.

Corrections you need to make.

public Vetor_map(int max) {
    nElementos = 0;
   // precisa inicializar o vetor
   // estamos alocando a quantidade de bytes necessária para um objeto do tipo hash map * 2
   mapa = new HashMap[2]; // pode ser qualquer tamanho

public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
    if (!isFull()) {
        // Você inicializou o vetor, mas não inicializou o que tem dentro do vetor
        mapa[nElementos] = new HashMap<>();
        mapa[nElementos].put(key, value);
        // Se precisa ordenar, poderá fazer após a inserção, sugiro o algoritmo INSERTION SORT.
        return true;
    return false;
  • Thanks for the comments, I understand that does not make sense, and that maybe I did not understand the statement right, follows the same: Develop an application to manipulate students stored in a Map, where the number plate is used as key. The map TAD is represented by the interface Map available at This interface must be implemented by the pair or trio using three data structures: Vector (sorted), Double-chained list (sorted) and Binary Tree. How could I better interpret this advertised?

  • You need to implement a value key structure, and use a vector, chained list or binary tree to handle the collisions that will occur.

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