It is possible to return a vector to a javascript


Viewed 395 times


I’m developing customizable graphics by users where it can select the options they want, parameters to the php searching in the database sql and give me back what I want. For the charts I’m using highcharts. But I’m having trouble understanding how I return the vector of my function to js. I’m using jquery so I don’t need to refresh the page. But when I do

$.post('envia.php', {nome: nome}

It performs data search, but I do not know how to get this data back to my page where the graphics are generated. Someone would know the solution?

  • Want help with PHP or Javascript?

  • @Sergio Nos both, because I don’t know if it’s possible to return a vector to javascript and go through it normal. And some way to call the php file function by js.Obg

  • For Javascript the bfavaretto already answered, because the $.post jQuery accepts a function to return what PHP sends. For PHP you have to put more code so we can help... you have something already in PHP?

  • @Sergio didn’t, but it would be a select SELECT FROM products Where id=1; for example, it would return multiple records from there I wanted to go through the records to put on the chart

2 answers


The data comes back on callback of the method $.post:

$.post('envia.php', {nome: nome}, function(dados) {
    // use os dados aqui
    // o uso exato vai depender do formato que o PHP
    // usou para serializar os dados para envio

It looks like you want to return objects to JS, so PHP would have to send a JSON:

$vetor = array('x' => 10, 'y' => 20);

// envia dos dados para o cliente
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($vetor);

Then you could use it like this:

$.post('envia.php', {nome: nome}, function(dados) {
    console.log(dados.x, dados.y);
  • I think I understand, to decode JSON with JQUERY is something +- like : array = jQuery.parseJSON(data);?

  • If the document is served with the correct content-type, jQuery identifies and already decodes the JSON for you (already decoded in callback).


The third parameter of the function post is a callback which receives server data as a parameter.

$.post('envia.php', {nome: nome}, function(dados) {

On the server, you can do something like this:

$dados = array( ... );
echo json_encode($dados);
  • To decode JSON with JQUERY is something like : array = jQuery.parseJSON(data);?

  • @Rodolfooliveira Exact. You can also use the shortest form var resultado = $.parseJSON(dados); or you can also do the way @bfavaretto put it, by setting the response type in the header.

  • ,My biggest difficulty is this:on my console returned [{"iea_id":"1","man_ins_area_00":"0","man_ins_prod_00":"0","man_ins_area_05":"0",&#xA;"man_ins_prod_05":"0","man_ins_area_10":"0","man_ins_prod_10":"0","man_ins_area_13":"0",&#xA;"man_ins_prod_13":"0","id_cid":"1","id_cult":"1"},&#xA;{"iea_id":"2","man_ins_area_00":"0","man_ins_prod_00":"0","man_ins_area_05":"0", "man_ins_prod_05":"0","man_ins_area_10":"0","man_ins_prod_10":"0", "man_ins_area_13":"0","man_ins_prod_13":"0","id_cid":"2","id_cult":"1"}]" Two database records,has some way for me to access them separately,?

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