How to configure vhost in windows with xampp using a port other than 80?


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Does anyone know how to set up vhost in windows with xampp using a port other than 80?!

I’m having trouble configuring the host to implement a PHP application.

My file httpd.conf is already with these settings:

LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/

ServerName localhost:8080

Listen 8080

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

My file httpd-vhosts.conf is already with these settings:

    DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\projeto"

And my file hosts (windows) already has the following settings:        localhost
::1              localhost


Note: Port 80 on the computer is already in use. I’m getting access to localhost:8080/Dashboard normally, the problem is with custom hosts.

  • Go to start, if it’s windows10, type "Resource Monitor" (no quotes), and see which program is using port 80, finish it, ready apache should work, but do NOT forget that no . apache conf you should put the Listen the doors, read: I will close the comments, because the site here is not to solve technical problems, I only helped pq imagined q was same door confusion. The scope of the site is restricted to programming problems and not servers, I suggest in the future ask questions about servers:

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