Manipulate the DOM and remove empty paragraph before and after a figure element?


Viewed 27 times


Using some Javascript method, how could you remove elements that are soiling HTML?

I have the following HTML:

<div class="container-text">
<p> Teste onon onon noonnoon </p>
<p> Teste onon onon noonnoon </p>
<p> </p>
<figure><img src="/path/img/teste.jpg"></figure>
<p> </p>
<p> Teste onon onon noonnoon </p>

How could I remove the empty paragraph that is before after <figure> (siblings / brothers)?

I tried so:

function removeParagraphAfterAndBeforeFigure(result) {
        var el = document.createElement('div');
        el.innerHTML = result;
                 if(p.textContent == '' || p.textContent == ' ') {
        result = el.innerHTML;
        return result;
  • If your tag looks like this <p></p>, without the space inside, type a tag pasted right into the other, you can use the pseudo class :empty CSS to give a None display in that paragraph

  • Do you have to be the direct brother of the figure? If you have one p empty at first, should it stay? Or have to clear any empty paragraph inside the div, no matter where he is?

1 answer


It worked that way:

    function removeParagraphAfterAndBeforeFigure(result) {
        var el = document.createElement('div');
        el.innerHTML = result;
        el.querySelectorAll('figure').forEach(function(value) {
            if(value.nextElementSibling.nodeName == 'P' && (value.nextElementSibling.textContent == '' || value.nextElementSibling.textContent == ' ')) {
            if(value.previousElementSibling.nodeName == 'P' && (value.previousElementSibling.textContent == '' || value.previousElementSibling.textContent == ' ')) {
        result = el.innerHTML;
        return result; 

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