How to expand the window by clicking a button?


Viewed 21 times


I’m trying to expand the screen size using Java Swing. When I click a button I need to increase the height of the screen, consequently appearing two more buttons.

I tried to do this in the method below, but it doesn’t work:

    private static int ALTURA_INICIAL_TELA_VISIVEL = 320;
    private static int ALTURA_INICIAL_TELA_OCULTA = 255;
    private static final int LARGURA_INICIAL_TELA = 400;

        envioCupomFiscalView.getJbSeta1().addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            flagOcultar = !flagOcultar;
            if (flagOcultar) {                  envioCupomFiscalView.getJbSeta1().setIcon(Constantes.Imagens.getSetaParaCima());
                envioCupomFiscalView.setBounds(0, 0, LARGURA_INICIAL_TELA, ALTURA_INICIAL_TELA_OCULTA);                 
            } else {                envioCupomFiscalView.getJbSeta1().setIcon(Constantes.Imagens.getSetaParaBaixo());
            envioCupomFiscalView.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 320));
                envioCupomFiscalView.setBounds(0, 0, LARGURA_INICIAL_TELA, ALTURA_INICIAL_TELA_VISIVEL);

I tried using the setBounds and the setPreferredSize, but it didn’t work.

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